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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On What It's Like Doing My Job Outside Of My Office

"Oh, so what do you do?"

"I work at a center that provides food and clothing to the underserved. I'm an outreach and volunteer coordinator so I just kinda wrangle people into doing projects for us and donating clothes or food."

"Oh clothes? I might have some."

après nous, le Déluge

Here is where I become an actual crazy person. I begin promising to ride the train all over Brooklyn and Manhattan lugging bags of donations to my site, complimenting everyone's outfits and trying to win them over to bring their donations to our site as opposed to the many much closer donation sites, throwing my card around to everyone in the bar/train car/subway station.

In other words, I'm networking like I'm from a real business.

N*E*WAYS I'm going to Washington, D.C./Maryland next weekend! The concept of MegaBus is a bit foreign to me as a Floridian. A bus that can take me to my friends in a distant city! Fantastic! I'm going to hug and kiss those dummies forever. I'll report back with an extensive summary of MegaBus culture and all the cool choices I've made.

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